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Delivering trusted NDT
solutions for over 50 years



Tecnitest Ingenieros S.L., an advanced NDT Engineering company with over 30 years experience in developing turnkey systems and instrumentation for NDT, are leading experts in the development and deployment of Ultrasonic Robotic Systems for 2D and 3D profile scanning, using ultrasonic Pulse-Echo, Through-transmission, Double Transmission and Phased Array techniques.

Advantages of Robot Inspection include:

  • Fluid inspection of 3D complex geometries
  • 100% component inspection in one pass, du to 7 phased array probes with with 128 elements. Up to 896 for complex configuration




In the manufacturing processes of the aeronautical sector, the use of composite materials is frequent practice allowing great advances which is rapidly spreading to other fields. The high-quality standards in wrong with these types of advanced materials require a 100% assured quality control of the structural parts, before they are submitted to assembly and final production.

For conventional ultrasonic testing, single-element probes are used to generate an ultrasonic signals for material inspection. However, when inspections are done on composite materials, phased array probes (PA) are now being used to detect component failures, determining quality levels far me rapidly. Tecnitest’s Robotic system has automatic trajectory tracking, applying Pulse-Echo and Double Transmission techniques with Phased Array technology, as well as TT transmission, with water coupling via immersion tanks, so that it is possible to inspect one hundred percent of monolithic structures of solid laminates and sandwich structures.

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Sitau-Triton (251KB)


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